Let’s Join Hands To Bring A Positive Change To Our Planet Earth To Make It A Great Place To Live.
- 6 Julio, 2023
- Publicado por: webpresentacion
- Categoría: Noticias

Taking care of the environment has become one of the main objectives of education nowadays. As teachers we must make sure our children respect the environment in order to have a sustainable future for generations to come.
In the English area, teachers fostered the environmental care throughout mini projects which were carried out during different lessons. These projects were focused on environmental knowledge and strategies to promote a positive impact to increase awareness about the importance of preserving our natural resources and contribute in different and creative ways how to take actions about the issues that are affecting our planet.
In elementary school, students made puppets with recycled materials and great creativity. They performed a puppet show in class, where they presented situations to reflect about the importance of taking care of the environment.
On the other hand, in secondary and high school, students created a dream house using recycled materials. Other students presented a project about mental and physical health by building a model of the Burj Al Arab with recycled materials. Through each floor, the model represented the pillars to have a physical and mental healthy life according to the experiences of the students. Also, high school students create a brochure explaining a creative fundraiser to help endangered animals. Eleventh grade students created pieces of clothing by using recycled materials. These projects were presented in class to their classmates and teachers.
Overall, English area is always trying to promote the preservation of the environment and healthy lifestyles, considering different cultural contexts. We will continue working hard to educate our students in the best way.
English Team